Smart Mobile Computing | Vehicular Networks

Vehicular Networks

Vehicular Networks

Posted by admin in Publications 12 Feb 2014

Clyde Carryl, Mohammad Ilyas, Imad Mahgoub, Monika Rathod.; The PEV Security Challenges to the Smart Grid: Analysis of  Threats and  Mitigation Strategies. ICCVE December 2013. In Press.

Padron, F.M.; Mahgoub, I.; Rathod, M.. VANET-based privacy preserving scheme for  detecting  traffic congestion, High Capacity Optical  Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET), 2012 9th  International Conference on , vol., no., pp.066,071,  12-14 Dec. 2012 doi:  10.1109/HONET.2012.6421436